The Daddy Weekly bids farewell…

The time has come to say goodbye – at least a little bit. It has been a little over two years since I came up with the idea of writing a newsletter and starting a website about “Things to do with Kids in Raleigh”. 90 Newsletters and 200 Articles later, covering just about any of the regularly reoccurring events, the time may have come to give some other interests more space. It has been a great and fun experience building this project and looking back on what it has become.
From a just small handful of friends from Boylan Heights and Country Day in early 2012, the list of email subscribers has grown and expanded steadily. I remember the excitement when the first person I didn’t know subscribed, and it is now rare that I recognize new subscribers; just a fellow mom or dad (or a grandparent) who is curious and wants to do something special with their kids this coming weekend This is very exciting to watch. The website sees thousands of visitors, even from faraway countries (which still surprises me given the local interest). People started asking me about it (“oh you’re the one who does that!”) and send emails about how their experience at events was. Short, a lot of joy and good vibes all around.
So it is certainly with sadness that I come to the conclusion to dial it back; but it happened more and more frequently that the Thursday evening all-nighters became a chore, and I think this would eventually show in the quality of the writing and the articles as well.

Which brings me to the most important part: A massive THANK YOU to all of you. First to all the email subscribers, website visitors, and twitter followers; you were the motivation that kept me going and gave me that sense of urgency to keep hitting that “Publish” button every week. Then to my wonderful wife who always supported me and and let me sneak away to go write the Daddy Weekly every Thursday night. Also to all those who gave feedback, pointed out events, and reminded me of upcoming happenings. And lastly, to this wonderful city and surrounding area with its abundance of fun things to do for all ages.

So with that: Happy weekend, Farewell, and all the Best for 2014!

A growing family

The “Daddy Weekly family” is growing, and I’m not talking about new subscribers this time: Last week, a new daughter and baby sister joined our little family to everybody’s great excitement! We’re all adjusting well to that new life in our midst and even get some sleep. (Last week’s edition of the Daddy Weekly was written ahead of the expected birth and through the magic of modern technology sent automatically while we were still at the hospital.)

For the next couple weeks, the newsletter will be slightly shortly, and I’ll start an experiment with an article covering multiple events in just brief mentions. Let me know what you think about that, since I may continue that format in addition to the 2-3 longer articles if feedback is positive.

Briefly mentioned 6/8/2012

Introductory note: Every week while looking for the best events of the upcoming weekend, I come across multiple events that are noteworthy but don’t make the cut. Going forward, I’d like to mention some of them in brief form, without detailed research. Make sure to check the websites etc. for detailed directions, times, etc.

First off, I’d like to mentioned Peter Lamb & the Wolves, a local jazz band that will be at Music on the Porch. There is more live music on Sunday, when bluegrass locals “Grass Street” play at the museum of history.

Two evening event for the older ones tonight (6/8) sound exciting: The Cat in the Hat will be at the Barnes and Noble in Cary (7p), and there is a Lightning Bug tour in Pullen Park (8:30p, registration required). Both are for age 5 and older.

Finally, if the 90 degree weather gets too much, visit the Art Museum and their Family Fun Saturday: Art in Nature program (10am and 1pm).