Strawberry Farm: Porter’s Ten-Ten satellite

In addition the their very nice main location, which is about 20 minutes further away, Porter has opened a satellite field at the intersection of Lake Wheeler Road and Ten-Ten Road. The field is large, over 5 acres, but it also receives a lot of traffic.

This is the location when you quickly want to pick a bucket of strawberries. Pre-picked strawberries and other produce (and jam) are also for sale.

Mon-Sat 8-7, Sun 12-6.
7615 Ten-Ten Road (@ Lake Wheeler Rd.)

Just follow Lake Wheeler Rd to Ten-Ten Rd. Hard to miss, but note that there a two locations! If you get the address off the website.

Porter Farm satellite

Porter Farm satellite (Ten-Ten & Lake Wheeler)

Update 2013: As of 5/3/2013, berries are beautiful and ready for picking, but it is still a little bit early in the season. Both locations are open.

Last visited in person: 5/16/2012
Last updated: 5/3/2013
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