Latch on! (8/4/2012)

Yes, we’re talking about breastfeeding, the most natural way to feed a baby known to man woman. I’m still surprised how breastfeeding continues to be a hot topic, be it because of facebook photos or new laws regarding breastfeeding in the workplace. For the record, breastfeeding (covered or not) is NOT considered indecent exposure in the state of North Carolina, and explicitly allowed in all public places. And you may chuckle over that obvious statement, but reality is that this is not the case in all states!

With August being Breastfeeding Awareness Month, this is the perfect timing for The Big Latch On. This global event brings moms together to breastfeed as a group. Last year, 5687 women were breastfeeding around the world at 10:30 a.m local time. The goal this year is to exceed that!

There are two The Big Latch On events in the Triangle, at Sweetbottom’s Baby Boutique in Cary and at The Family Nest in Morrisville. Breastfeeding mothers and babies are encouraged to arrive by 10.00 a.m. to have time to get settled and start feeding before 10:30 a.m. comes around. More information at

The image is Nick breastfeeding his baby doll by seandreilinger, used under the CC BY-NC-SA license. I think Nick will be an excellent dad one day.

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  1. Pingback: nick breastfeeding his baby doll – _MG_8930 – WAKEUPTECH

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