0 to 60 Art Exhibit: Final Days

The NC Museum of Art has an interesting exhibit revolving around time, but its time is nearly up: “0 to 60” will end on August-11. Not every piece in the show is specifically geared towards children (although all of it should be ‘suitable’). but some are either funny or interesting even for younger kids.

A site-specific installation by Lisa Hoke, for example, is made from plastic and paper cups, and might inspire someone for a future craft project. Some large video installation will be fun to look at, as the slow, meditative images are very different from the concrete, fast-paced videos children typically get to see.

If your kids are old enough to stay up late and you like short-notice plans, “Cars” by Pixar is playing in the outdoor movie theater tonight (Friday, 7/26).

While we’re talking about the Art Museum: The museum park is always worth a visit and has a few new items, including an installation related to 0 to 60, and is always a welcome way to let one parent take the kids outside, while the other parent can have a quick look at the other exhibits currently on display: Two interesting shows have opened recently, both with themes that are more on the grown-up level.

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